
"Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important."  -Bill Gates


At TCFL we are dedicated to teaching students to think logically, critically and creatively. In a rapidly changing world, our graduates will be required to continually learn and adapt, while having strong collaboration and communication skills. In order to be able to quickly learn and apply new skills, they need to be adept at the use of technology. But they also need to be able to work in teams, share information, debate ideas and respectfully disagree with each other. These skills are best learned in face to face interactions and group work.


In order to meet our students’ wide variety of needs, we believe in a balanced use of technology in the classroom. Our students spend much of their time solving problems in groups, working with manipulatives and taking part in class discussions. But they also have access to a wide variety of technology:


  • Wi-fi is available throughout the school.
  • Chrome books are provided in elementary school.
  • In secondary, students bring laptops to school, and a media center is available to those who do not bring their own device.
  • EBSCO online learning resources (Literary Reference Center, Middle Search Plus, Primary Search)
  • Students are given a school email account ([email protected])
  • Teachers assign work on Google classroom or Seesaw (for preschool-2nd grades), allowing students who are absent to keep up with schoolwork.
  • Coding elective for 9th - 12th grade students.
  • In order to ensure that students socialize with each other, cell phone use is only allowed for classroom activities. Students keep their phones locked in Yondr pouches throughout the day.


We teach students how to use technology responsibly and safely. Ultimately, our goal is to provide our students with the best access to contemporary learning resources. As educators, we must prepare our students for their future, not ours.